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About Dixcover Hub

January 2022, we started Dixcover Hub with one and only one goal – To get young Africans the ‘YES’ that will change their lives.

We believe that whoever you are, whether you are a designer, a developer, a marketer, an entrepreneur, a blogger, or a writer, all you need is one yes to change your life.

That yes could be one application or a hundred applications away. No one knows. But what we all know is that if you keep working hard, every single day, sooner or later, you’re going to hit your yes.

Africa as a continent needs more Africans to hit their yes, we need more people to be successful, that’s how we can birth the African dream.

Dixcover Hub is built to push folks to keep working hard, to keep applying, and to keep doing their dream one step at a time.

Since our launch, we’ve published thousands of jobs, scholarships, grants, internships, fellowships, contests, and career guides, all with the hopes that our users will find their dreams in them.

While there are hundreds of sites that do what we do, what distinguishes us is we put a lot of thoughtfulness into the information we publish. We care about our users. We do not bother them with driver and receptionist jobs like other sites do. We know our audience are ambitious Africans. We know they are leaders who might not have found their foot, but have big dreams in making Africa proud.

So, you’ll find a lot of developer jobs, writing jobs, scholarships, business grants, contests, and high-end calls for applications.

We hope that as you go through our content, you find the inspiration, strength, and courage to apply and tell the world who you truly are.